Ливерпульский университет, BSc (Hons), Bioveterinary Science
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Кол-во лет: 3 |
This 3-year programme provides students with a wide knowledge of biological and animal sciences, practical techniques and transferable skills for careers allied to veterinary science, scientific research, conservation, animal welfare and the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries; the programme selects modules from the BVSc programme and from programmes taught in the school of biological sciences, including animal reproduction and development, biodiversity, practicals skills; animal behaviour and sociobiology, zoology, microbiology, biotechnology; there are several options available each year allowing the student to tailor their degree to fit with their strengths, interests and career aspirations. In the final year, all students have the opportunity to carry out an extended research project of their choice with an active research group in one of the two schools; various modes of teaching are used throughout the programme including lectures, practical classes, problem-based learning and guided study supported by our virtual learning environment.
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