Ливерпульский университет, BSc (Hons), Ортоптика
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Кол-во лет: 3 |
The orthoptics programme aims to develop students’ knowledge of how the vision system works, binocular vision involving how the eyes work together, and eye movement systems including the importance of assessing occular motility; in addition, students focus on the fundamentals of the nervous system, neuro-anatomy and physiology, and where it relates to the practice of orthoptics; this background knowledge is to enable a graduate orthoptist to perform as a competent and reflective practitioner and be a valuable member of the eye care team; students take a range of modules that will provide students with background knowledge and information; these include anatomy, physiology, optics and profession-specific modules; the final year of the programme has emphasis on the integration of knowledge acquired throughout the three years and its application to the clinical setting; the programme relies heavily on clinical practice, one requirement for qualification being approximately 30 weeks in the clinical setting, which results in an extended university year.
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