успешных поступлений
университетов и бизнес-школ мира
странах работают после учебы наши выпускники
In the first year you will study modules in marketing and strategy, organisational behaviour and culture and enterprise.
The School’s Centre for Entrepreneurship also offers modules in enterprise and entrepreneurship giving you the chance to take part in business planning exercises and a competition to develop and potentially even launch your own small business.
In the second year modules include finance, marketing management and business strategy with some modules involving experts from industry to share their expertise and experience.
In the third year you will undertake a paid one - year work placement that will significantly enhance your CV and future graduate employment prospects, help you to build a professional network and provide a valuable opportunity to apply and further develop your knowledge and skills.
In the fourth and final year there are no core modules, instead you will examine areas already studied at a more advanced level. You will also select from a wide of range of optional modules, allowing you to tailor your degree towards your own needs, interests and aims.
Our graduates typically enter a wide range of careers including banking and finance, consultancy, management, accountancy, the civil service, sales and marketing, retailing and other service industries. In some cases successful placements lead to the offer of a permanent role within the same organisation upon graduation.
Город Рединг находится в долине реки Темзы на юго-востоке Англии в 25 минутах езды на скоростном поезде от Центрального Лондона. Экономика города – самая быстрорастущая в Англии. Рединг - центр IT индустрии Великобритании, где крупные офисы имеют такие компании, как Oracle, Microsoft, Ericsson и другие.
Главный кампус университета Whiteknights занимает 160 гектаров лугов и парковой зоны. Маршруты автобусов 20 и 21 отходят у железнодорожной станции /центра и следуют прямо в студенческий городок. Аэропорт Хитроу находится в 40 минутах езды на автобусе от города.