PhD, Политология, Стерлингский университет - Politics, University of Stirling
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Stirling, University of, PhD, Политология



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Форма обучен.Вечернее Начало октябрь Продолж.: 0
Форма обучен.Дневное Начало октябрь Продолж.Кол-во лет: 3
Current research projects include: Security governance in the European neighbourhood: the cases of the Western Balkans, Cyprus, Ukraine; regions, nation and ethnicity; the profile of new labour; the politics of conflict; Habermas and modernity; EU-Russian relations; vulnerable empire: understanding America's wars in the 21st century; supervision available in the following areas: US foreign policy since 1939; Cyprus and Greek-Turkish relations: South European politics; the politics of oil and gas in Eurasia; the Labour party as well as the policies of the Blair Government; the impact of devolution on the Labour Party in Scotland; Scottish devolution, political parties, UK constitutional politics and minority nationalism in the European Union; the enlargement of the European Union and NATO into Central and Eastern Europe; German politics; the politics and history of the former Yugoslavia, stability and disintegration of states, transition theories and politics in South Eastern Europe; the narratives developed by political elites and other segments of society and the link between these narratives and political action; the challenges posed by the politics of difference for liberal democracies in general, and the liberal conceptions of citizenship in particular; liberalism and multicultural citizenship, in particular the debate surrounding feminist attempts to reconceptualise citizenship in the light of the politics of difference.

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