PhD, Food Sciences, Университет Стратклайда, University of Strathclyde
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Strathclyde, University of, PhD, Food Sciences



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж.
Дневное n/a Кол-во лет: 3
The course is predominantly research-based, requiring students to undertake a single in-depth project for approximately eight months (120 credits); the project can be in a range of topics in food science, food microbiology or food biotechnology in the institute, or can be placed in an industrial or other institutional laboratory; institute staff have particular expertise in food flavour and sensory analysis and projects have been in these fields, but other interests can often be accommodated by placing projects in other laboratories; there is also a minimal taught component comprising: broad research training in presentation, interpersonal and data interpretation skills (30 credits) practical training in research methods (15 credits) classes on advanced-level topics in food sciences (15 credits) including: advanced microbiological techniques; advanced topics in microbiology; alcoholic drinks; food fermentations; food production.


Как ВЕРНО выбрать  ПРОГРАММУ за рубежом?
Получить пошаговый план нашего основателя Яны Драпкиной- Уэхара
7 стр.


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