Пламптонский колледж, BSc (Hons), Viticulture and Oenology
Year 1: Wines and spirits of the world; winemaking; chemistry; vineyard establishment; vineyard maintenance; wine analysis; wine sensory evaluation; vineyard practical skills; botany; cell biology & genetics; soil science. Year 2: Winemaking; statistics; winery engineering; analytical techniques; advanced wine analysis; vine pathology; winery practical skills; microbiology. Year 3: Grape berry development; level 3 project; oenology; vintage experience; career development; integrated pest management; vegetative development of the grapevine; wine microbiology.
Другие программы вуза
BSc (Hons) Mathematics & Statistics
BSc (Hons) Продюсерство кино и телевидения
BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science
BSc (Hons) Game Design and Development